
Migration Recommendations to the Belgian and Hungarian EU Presidencies

Geneva/Brussels – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has presented recommendations on migration and mobility to the Belgian and Hungarian governments, which will hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU) in 2024, coinciding with the adoption of the EU's New Pact on Migration and Asylum.

“This is a pivotal moment for the EU to deliver on the promise of migration for partner countries, migrants, economies and societies,” said IOM Director General, Amy Pope. “We encourage the EU and its Member States to keep migrant rights and workable solutions at the heart of policy and practice.”

“IOM will continue to work in partnership with the EU to ensure that safe, regular migration features as a positive force contributing to European prosperity, competitiveness and growth,” added Pope.

In its recommendations, IOM encourages the Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies to ensure that the adoption and implementation of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum leads to more predictable, coordinated and humane response across all dimensions of migration and asylum. Implementation will be key, and IOM is ready to support EU Member States with rights-based and humane application.

EU labour markets are shifting significantly because of demographic and technological changes. It is therefore essential for states to harness migrants’ potential and the benefits of regular pathways. IOM encourages the Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies and EU Member States to continue to drive legislative proposals that enhance regular pathways in dialogue with partner countries and small and medium-sized enterprises.

The scale and severity of the climate crisis is intertwined with human mobility in all regions of the world, including in Europe. Worldwide, climate-related disasters are intensifying humanitarian crises, placing additional strain on an already overstretched and underfunded global humanitarian system.

IOM urges the Presidencies to deliver solutions that offer choices for people to live safe, prosperous, and dignified lives in areas vulnerable to climate impacts, provide assistance and protection to people displaced by disasters, and help people to move safely and regularly to adapt to climate impacts.

IOM recognizes the EU's commitment to facilitate safe, dignified return and the sustainable reintegration of migrants. The Organization stresses that a migrant-centered approach to return and reintegration counselling practices within the EU and with countries of origin should be a vital part of the migration continuum.

IOM avails of its longstanding experience in return and reintegration, its global footprint and convening capacities to support Member States to strategically scale up return and reintegration, bringing new opportunities for innovative approaches, increased knowledge and expanded geographical coverage.

IOM looks forward to cooperating with both Presidencies during their terms and stands ready to offer its continued partnership, support and expertise.

Read IOM's recommendations here.

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For more information, please contact:

Ryan Schroeder, Tel: +32 492 250 234, Email: rschroeder@iom.int 

Ramona Kundt, Tel: +32 2 287 7127, Email: rkundt@iom.int  


SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals