
IOM Estonia surveyed the needs, intentions, and integration challenges of refugees from Ukraine in Estonia

IOM Estonia surveyed the needs, intentions, and integration challenges of refugees from Ukraine in Estonia.

Take a look at the results of our Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) for Quarter 3, 2023 which reflect the responses of 602 participants.

Key findings:

- Intentions: 88% intend to remain in Estonia in the near future; 50% plan to return to Ukraine when it is safe to do so; 14% do not intend to return at all

- Employment: 60% are employed; 19% are looking for a job; 6% are students; 5% are retired; 5% are on parental leave

- Registration and inclusion: 73% have registered for temporary or another form of protection status; 78% reside in apartments rented on the open market; 60% have their children enrolled and attending local schools, 34% have both local and online education from Ukraine, 4% have online education in Ukraine

- Inclusion challenges: language barrier (45%), limited job opportunities (32%), securing housing (27%), financial issues (12%) - Immediate needs: language courses (30%), financial support (28%), employment (18%), documentation and registration (17%)

Read full report: https://bit.ly/47kWTbM

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals