Voluntary Assisted Return and Reintegration (VARRE) programme helps migrants who wish to return to their countries of origin, but do not have the resources to do so themselves. 

VARRE program in Estonia has been helping people to return since 2010 and trust of our partners has help us to grow and develop our program. We assist migrants throughout the entire process from first information to reintegration based on the following principles:
•    IOM uses its knowledge and expertise in the field of migration to support people when returning and reintegrating, making sure the safety and dignity remain our top priorities. IOM prioritizes that people we assist have sufficient information about the process to make decisions benefiting their lives. 
•    It is important for IOM to support and strengthen reintegration both on personal and community level. Both, the individual return and their environment need stability and sustainability in their process of reintegration. 
•    VARRE programme cooperates with different institutions to provide more information on our work and create better solutions to people in need of return. We are committed to rights-based approaches, while considering both national and international laws. 
•    To assist people in return and reintegration in their country of origin. 

IOM Estonia has been facilitating assisted voluntary returns under the program by the European Union Asylum, Integration and Migration Fund (AMIF). Hundreds of migrant returnees are assisted and counselled every year. 

Find out more about Return here

Find out more about Reintegration here.  

Find out more about IOM’s global return and reintegration activities here


„The project „Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme from Estonia“ is co-funded by the European Union Asylum, Integration and Migration Fund and the Ministry of the Interior“.“


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