Reintegration assistance by IOM is aimed to support you by providing opportunities for employment, skills development and training, education, and starting your own business activity. 
Receiving reintegration support is a case-by-case decision and assistance takes into account your own skills, needs and qualifications and also situation in your home country.

•    Before you leave Estonia, IOM staff will discuss the reintegration options available to you and provide you with the Reintegration form, that needs to be filled out in the country of origin. Filling out the Reintegration form leads to Individual Reintegration Plan (IRP). Reintegration is in-kind support in the form of material goods and services – not in cash. 
•    As you leave Estonia, you will be given the contact details of the IOM office in your country.
•    After your return you need to contact the local IOM office within 3 months after your arrival. 

Together with IOM you decide how best to use your Reintegration Assistance. You can use Reintegration support in various fields: 

- Starting up a small business
- Joining educational courses (if you return with children – reintegration can be used for education fees and related costs for children);
- Attending professional training (IOM can pay for vocational training courses (computing, IT, hairdressing, plumbing, language courses etc);
- Look for a work placement (IOM can cover costs relating to the acquisition of information on employment opportunities, for instance, through employment agencies).
•    Your finalized IRP will be sent by the IOM office in your country to IOM Estonia for final approvals.
•    After you start to use your Reintegration support, your local IOM office can contact you to learn from you how this support has helped you and to hear your views on how the IOM service could be improved.

 „The project „Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme from Estonia“ is co-funded by the European Union Asylum, Integration and Migration Fund and the Ministry of the Interior“.“


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