Since 2022, IOM Estonia has stepped up efforts in response to the growing needs of those who have been forced to flee Ukraine due to the ongoing war. We provide travel assistance for refugees in transit, support community organizations and coordinate activities promoting social inclusion for Ukrainian adults, youth and children.

Travel assistance for Ukrainian refugees 

For refugees who are in transit through Estonia and who wish to join their families or relatives elsewhere, IOM Estonia offers the following support:
•    We provide information on the country of destination and assist with travel arrangements to ensure the smooth course of the journey
•    We arrange plane and bus tickets, as necessary
•    We cover the costs of pre-travel accommodation and other services that might be needed
•    We provide counselling on safe travel and personal wellbeing, and can help with referrals

Support to communities

IOM Estonia provides support and collaborates with municipalities and community organizations that directly contribute to the inclusion and well-being of Ukrainian refugees. NGOs to whom we have provided monetary and other types of support include grassroots organizations such as Hands for Ukraine, Spilno and Spokiy. 

Social inclusion

In social inclusion, IOM Estonia organizes trainings and events. Working closely with local municipalities who have identified needs, IOM offers our integration trainings to suit particular audiences on a variety of topics including mental health, human trafficking, gender-based violence, parenting, data protection and much more. 
we offer a two-day training programme on psychosocial support in migration context, aimed for first responders who work daily with Ukrainian refugees (police officers, border guards, social workers, childcare specialists, teachers). The participants learn about the main terms, types and trends of migration which helps them contextualize their own, as well as their clients, situations. With guidance from Estonia’s leading psychologists, participants learn about practical types on how to manage stress and deal with complicated emotions. The main aim of the training is to build empathy towards migrants and develop resilience.
Our focused adaptation courses for adults are aimed at groups of Ukrainian refugees struggling with a specific aspects of Estonian life. Be it digital skills, navigating the healthcare system, the particularities of the Estonian job market, struggles with mental health, or doubts about methods of parenting – IOM Estonia is offers sessions to match the needs of the group. 

The well-being on of Ukrainian children in Estonia is one of the priorities of IOM Estonia. We have worked with various schools in Estonia (Kunstigümnaasium, Saksa gümnaasium, Südalinna kool) to organize activity days and focused adaptation courses. In the 2023/2024 school year we have partnered with Räägu, Puhja and Järve schools,where deliver  10-week programmes for Ukrainian pupils.  Children learn about the rules, norms, customs and traditions of Estonian society through games and interactive activities. Additionally, IOM organizes city and summer camps for children where they have an opportunity to learn acrobatics, photography or dance – all while practicing their Estonian language skills and interacting and building relationships with local children.

General Information

People coming to Estonia from Ukraine can find information on the Estonia police and boarder guard website regarding application of temporary protection and international protection.   

    The relevant pages of the Estonian Social Insurance Board (SKA) and the Ministry of the Interior provide further information. 

    The website has collected important information on entry and residence for people fleeing Ukraine, including housing, work permits, education etc. 

    Information on medical care and health insurance in Estonia can be found on Tervisekassa website.

    Hotlines and Counseling

    The International Organization for Migration (IOM) offers information and support via hotlines in Ukraine and the neighboring countries. The numbers are available on the IOM global website or on homepage 

    State  Services:

    • State Helpline: call 1247 or +600 1247 (calling from abroad) for counselling in several languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. 
    • Victim support helpline 116 006. 
    • When calling from abroad: +372 614 7393. 
    • Abandoning violence helpline +372 660 6077. 
    • Estonian Victim Support Website: Ohvriabi 
    • Children Help: Lasteabi  call 116111