The CAP-CO project was implemented 01.01.2012-31.12.2012. The project improved the quality of the asylum procedure through both training and the exchange of international experience, and provided asylum seekers and protected persons with knowledge to cope in Estonia.

Main activities carried out:

The CAP-CO project started with cultural orientation training for asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection. In addition to the trainings, a handbook introducing Estonia and the organization of Estonian society was compiled and translated into English, Russian, French and Dari. The trainings and the handbook complement each other and provide individuals with the knowledge to cope in Estonia. This activity was continued in 2013 as well.

During the project, the report “The current situation of persons granted international protection in Estonia and their integration into Estonian society” was supplemented. In order to support the start of independent life of the persons granted protection, ten local governments were visited together with a representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Association of Estonian Cities. During the meetings, the representatives of the local governments were explained the settlement of the persons granted protection on the territory of the local government.

In addition, trainings were organized within the project, the main target group of which was the officers of the Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB). The training focused on searching for and standards in the country of origin and on identifying asylum seekers with post-traumatic stress disorder and torture. The project also produced a Country of Origin Information (COI) handbook, which officials can use as part of procedural procedures. Workshops were also held to assess the quality of asylum decisions made so far. International expertise was involved in the successful implementation of these activities. PBGB officials were also given access to the reception of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers on the example of Norway.

The project was also co-financed by the EU through the European Refugee Fund and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia.